Site Author

Paul Reali

Paul Reali, MS, MBA
336.926.8833 * E-mail Paul

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Creativity Rising

The author of this site, Paul Reali, has written two books on Creative Problem Solving. Click a cover to learn more, read an excerpt, or purchase a copy.

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The client is the person (or group) that owns the content - the problem, situation, issue or opportunity.

The client shares background data, selects the resource group (see below), and participates as an active member of the resource group. The client also works closely with the facilitator, to guide the facilitator's process decisions.

The client is ultimately responsible for the outcome of each process phase, as it is the client who applies critical thinking to the generated options, who decides when a convergence is complete, and who selects the options to carry forward.

For CPS to be effective, the client must have ownership of the issue (that is, the right and the ability to address the problem); must be motivated to take action (otherwise the process results are wasted); and must welcome imaginitive thinking (or else CPS is the wrong process to use).


The resource group participates in a CPS session, and provides their time, ideas, energy, fresh perspectives, and personal insight.

The resource group is selected by the problem owner, and can include people who are directly involved in the issue, who are tangential to the issue, or who have no stake in the issue but who are able to contribute valuable thinking, experience, and perspectives. The problem owner also serves as a fully-participating member of the resource group.


The facilitator is the CPS process expert, who guides the client and the resource group through the process, based in the client's needs and desires. That is, the facilitator makes process decisions (where to enter the process, which tools to use, when to move to another stage, etc.) while in constant consultation with the client.

While the problem owner or other interested party can serve as the CPS process facilitator, we recommend that a neutral party serve as facilitator. The reason: to separate process from content.

The problem owner and the resource group should have all of their focus and energy on the content: on the problem itself and its solutions. The facilitator should have all of his or her focus on the process: on managing the use of CPS to address the content and the needs of the problem owner. The best facilitators stay completely out of the content.

A facilitator who is also a group member must balance the two roles of managing the process while also contributing to the content. The secret to success in that situation is for the facilitator to not let his/her role as facilitator to become a proxy for being the leader in the content areas as well.


Here are some choices: