Site Author

Paul Reali

Paul Reali, MS, MBA
336.926.8833 * E-mail Paul

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Read the Book

Creativity Rising

The author of this site, Paul Reali, has written two books on Creative Problem Solving. Click a cover to learn more, read an excerpt, or purchase a copy.

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Creative Problem Solving Model ABOUT THIS STAGE

The CPS process includes one meta-process, Facilitate, which is the act of managing the process itself. This is necessary because the CPS process is organic; it is adapted to each situation, and does not always follow a linear path.

The CPS facilitator (working in concert with the problem's owner) continuously assesses the situation and manages the CPS process. For instance, the facilitator decides whether to use CPS versus another process; where to enter the process; which tools to use at each stage; which directions are worth pursuing; and when to exit the process.


While the problem owner or other interested party can serve as the CPS process facilitator, we recommend that a neutral party serve as facilitator. The reason: to separate process from content.

The problem owner, and the resource group assembled to help with the thinking, should have all of their focus and energy on the content: on the problem itself and its solutions. The facilitator should have all of his or her focus on the process: on managing the use of CPS to address the content and the needs of the problem owner. The best facilitators stay completely out of the content. When one person tries to be both participant and facilitator, one role invariably suffers.


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