We can recommend several places to learn CPS, and we offer a caveat emptor - or maybe it is a "do your homework" caution. Anyone can use the term "creative problem solving," and use of that term does not signify any particular flavor of creative problem solving. Yet there is an indsutry-recognized meaning for that phrase, and it is this: Creative Problem Solving is shorthand for the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving methodology. If that is what you seek, make sure that is what you are getting.
The methodology discussed in depth on this website is a version of Osborn-Parnes CPS. Here are other versions that are derived from, and are loyal to, the original: Simplex (Min Basadur), Produtive Thinking Model (Tim Hurson, thinkx), Creative Problem Solving: Thinking Skills Model (Gerard Puccio, Mary Murdock, Marie Mance). Some methodologies that are referred to as creative problem solving, but are not Osborn-Parnes CPS, include: Lateral Thinking (Edward deBono), Synectics (William J. J. Gordon), and Kepner-Tregoe. No value judgment is being made here, but a distinction.
creativeproblemsolving.com. Right here, you
can uncover the basics of Creative
Problem Solving and CPS facilitation. Click here
to get started.
Books. Visit our online store to find links to current and seminal works about creativity and CPS.
International Center for Studies in Creativity. Located within Buffalo State College, the Center offers a graduate certificate in Creativity and Change Leadership, and the world's first Master's degree in creativity. The programs are offered in both on-ground and distance/on-ground hybrid formats. Visit the Center's web site for more information.
Courses by OmniSkills, LLC. We can teach you and your team how to use, and how to facilitate, CPS. Because once
you've used it, you won't want to be without it. Visit the main OmniSkills web site for more information.
Creative Problem Solving Institute. Founded by the father of CPS, Alex Osborn, CPSI has offered essential CPS training for more than 50 years. Visit the CPSI website for more information.